Coloured Doppler Ultrasonography

Coloured Doppler Ultrasonography

Colour Doppler Ultrasonography examination is a radiation-free diagnostic method, just like Ultrasonography examination. With the Colour Doppler Ultrasonography method, we can examine the blood flow of an organ or vessel. The amount of blood flow, the presence of structures blocking the flow, whether the flow is in the normal direction can be evaluated.

Doppler Ultrasonography examination is performed with the help of a probe connected to the device and by applying gel on the organ or vessel to be examined. The gels ensure that the probe is in tight contact with the skin and the sound sent reaches deeper tissues.

Colour doppler ultrasonography, which works on the principle of high-frequency sound waves hitting the blood cells in the blood vessels and then reflecting back, is a method that finds an important application area in medicine, especially in vascular diseases. Colour doppler ultrasonography has an extremely important place in many diseases and pregnancy periods. You can find detailed information about this method, which is necessary for early diagnosis of many critical diseases, below.

  • With Colour Doppler Ultrasonography Examination;
  • Arm and leg veins
  • Vessels supplying the liver
  • Vessels supplying the kidney
  • Neck veins
  • Maternal and foetal vessels in pregnant women
  • Vessels supplying the testicles in men

The vascularity (blood supply) of a mass in any part of the body can be examined. Maternal and foetal vessels in pregnant women
Possible abnormalities are detected by examining the velocity and characteristics of blood flow in fetuses with suspected growth retardation according to the last menstrual date and in pregnant women with hypertension. It is called “Obstetric Doppler”.


Colour doppler ultrasonography, which is one of the ultrasound imaging techniques, is a kind of method used to detect the flow of blood in the vessels and can also reveal the factors that cause narrowing in the vessel. Starting with the examination of the cord (umbilical) vessels in the umbilical cord of the baby, the application can examine the heart, brain and other tissues of the fetus in the womb. No known side effects of this method have been shown so far. It is different from the ultrasound methods required at every stage of pregnancy and it is possible to learn more detailed information with this method. Since the application is carried out through the direction of blood flow and vessels, it is far from giving meaningful results in the early stages of pregnancy when the vessels have not yet reached the desired clarity.


Colour doppler ultrasonography is preferred primarily for the development of the baby and to detect possible health problems more clearly. With this method, placental insufficiencies that can be very risky for babies can be detected. The duration of colour doppler ultrasonography is longer than other USG methods and takes approximately 30 to 60 minutes.

How is Colour Doppler Ultrasonography Performed?

There is a special preparation process before the procedure begins. The patient lies down on the examination table and the doctor starts the scan by rhythmically sliding the probe with the crawling gel over the relevant document. During the colour Doppler ultrasound scan, red and blue colours appear on the screen. The colours show the speed and flow method of the blood in the vessels. This method is very important for the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases.


If an organ (liver, pancreas, kidney, etc.) is to be examined in the abdomen, the patient’s fasting prevents the gas that may occur and ensures a better quality examination.
Fasting is required for 5 hours in adults. During this time, nothing can be eaten or drunk, including cigarettes.

No prior preparation is required except for abdominal examinations. Objects such as glasses, watches, metal objects do not need to be removed during the examination. However, the area to be examined must be exposed to ensure the contact area with the probe.


The patient lies on his/her back, gel is applied on the skin. The organs in the abdomen are examined through the skin with the device called probe. During the examination, the patient is asked to hold his/her breath for a good examination of the abdomen. For this purpose, after taking a deep breath, it is necessary to remain as still as possible and not to exhale. Although this time varies according to the person, it is 10-15 seconds on average.


Radiology specialists perform colour doppler ultrasonography. After the procedure, he/she writes a detailed report for the patients to take to the specialist physician requesting the examination.

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