

If your urological examination indicates the presence of a problem in your urinary tract, cystoscopy is the best way to see and treat your urinary tract directly. Cystoscopy is the observation of the lower urinary tract (urethra) and bladder (bladder) with a telescopic, lighted device containing a lens system. This device is called a cystoscope. When the bladder is filled with sterile serum, the walls expand and the inside of the bladder can be fully visualised. A powerful light source illuminates the environment from the tip of the cystoscope. Different telescopes are used to see the urinary bladder and urethra. If desired, the urinary ducts can be examined up to the kidneys.

Things to consider when coming to cystoscopy;

  • Inform your doctor about the names of the medicines you have used before.
  • If there is a risk of being pregnant, inform your doctor before the procedure. Drink plenty of fluids before the procedure.
  • It is recommended to perform these procedures under anaesthesia.

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