EEG – Electroencephalography

EEG – Electroencephalography

As it is known, EGG (Electro-Encephalo-Graphy) is the measurement of electrical currents in our brain. If we describe how the electrical currents in our brain are, the types of currents that occur in our brain in a small and continuous manner are similar in almost every person. Of course, since the current pattern that occurs in disease states is atypical, it is relatively easy to recognise. The person undergoing EGG is firstly fitted with the tips of the measuring instruments, i.e. electrodes, at certain intervals on the head.

Thanks to the data sent to the computer environment, the duration and intensity of the electrical currents in the brain are measured. Thanks to these measurements, the functions in the brain are fully understood. Thus, if there is a disease of the nervous system, its data are revealed. In the resulting outputs, it can be easily understood whether the disease is related to the functions in the brain.

EEG (Electroencephalography) is a procedure performed to evaluate the electrical activity of the brain. Electrical signals from nerve cells in the brain tissue are transmitted to the scalp on the skull. These signals are transferred to a computer by electrodes placed on certain parts of the scalp.

For which reasons can EEG be performed?

  • Epilepsy,
  • Disorders of consciousness and perception,
  • Forgetfulness, attention deficit disorder or dementia,
  • Some psychiatric disorders,
  • Sleep disorders,
  • Coma, brain death,
  • Inflammation of the central nervous system.

How is EEG done?

Depending on the purpose; the type of examination can be planned as routine EEG, short-term sleep EEG or all-night sleep EEG, Video-EEG imaging.

Since electrodes will be connected to your body and scalp during the procedure, the electrical conductivity of your skin is important. Therefore, it is important that your hair is clean and washed. After washing your hair; do not apply conditioner, hair spray, gel. EEG examination with electrodes attached to the scalp is a completely harmless examination method.

Preparations Before EEG Examination

  • In adults, a special preparation phase is not required, it is sufficient to wash the hair one day before (no spray, gel, etc. on the hair).
  • The patient should be full before the filming.
  • Sometimes sleep EEG is required. For this, the patient should not be kept asleep for a long time and should be allowed to fall asleep during the EEG. The technician or neurologist will inform you whether this is necessary or not. If EEG examination is to be performed during sleep, choose a garment that you can sleep comfortably.
  • Since it is difficult to keep the baby still in small babies, EEG examination is always performed during sleep. For this reason, make sure that your child does not sleep for a sufficiently long time before the appointment time given to you for the examination.
  • It is preferred that the baby is kept awake and is in natural sleep at that time. He sleeps better if his stomach is full. Being on the mother’s lap and feeling the mother’s warmth also contributes to calming and sleeping. The procedure does not hurt. Electricity is not given to the patient. Clean hair ensures interference-free filming.

Does EEG measurement cause pain?

During EGG measurement, i.e. Electro-Encephalo-Graphy, it is possible to evaluate many functions of the brain and nervous system. So, does EGG measurement cause pain? EGG is primarily a method of measuring brain functions. There is never any pain or dizziness during EEG measurement.

When performing EGG, the patient must be informed beforehand. The patient should enter this measurement normally by avoiding too much stress and nerves in this process. Thanks to the advances in the field of medicine, precise results can be obtained to make a diagnosis in the measurements made.

There is no age range for this measurement and it is very easy to apply. The examination is performed by EEG technicians, but the results are evaluated and reported by specialised physicians (neurologists).

Is EEG Measurement Reliable?

EGG measurements can be applied to everyone. Is EGG measurement reliable? It is still seen that the issue is still discussed from time to time among the public. EGG, which is applied and measured with very good and high quality systems, is considered a very reliable method. EGG measurement is among the most frequently applied methods. Immediately after this measurement is finished, you can go home if your doctor deems appropriate or you can stand up if you are hospitalised.

What is Sleep EEG (Polysomnography)?

From time to time, it is possible to take measurements while patients sleep during a night’s sleep. An EEG called Sleep EEG or Polysomnography is performed in a special room in the hospital by attaching electrodes that are connected to the patients and do not move even if they move during sleep.

The diseases diagnosed in this Sleep EEG are as follows

  • Sleep apnoea
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Tooth grinding
  • Epilepsy
  • Psychiatric Problems

Sleep apnoea is diagnosed during sleep EEG. The patient is even put to sleep with CPAP once again to decide which of the devices used for treatment, called CPAP, is appropriate. The EEG records of the next day are analysed and it is decided which of the CPAP devices to use.

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