Mouth and Dental Health

Mouth and Dental Health

In the Oral and Dental Health department, preventive treatments for patients and diagnosis and treatment of all diseases related to their health are provided.

General and Surgical Dentistry

  • Composite fillings, porcelain fillings
  • Porcelain crowns and bridges
  • Prostheses
  • Tartar cleaning
  • Tooth extraction
  • Cyst operations
  • Treatment of jaw joint problems


Aesthetic Cosmetic Dentistry

  • Smile design
  • Laminated porcelain
  • Zirconium porcelain
  • Tooth whitening


Paediatric Dentistry

  • Caries preventive preventive treatments
  • Anti-crowding treatments



  • Treatment of crowding
  • Transparent plates, porcelain or transparent brackets



  • Treatment of gingivitis
  • Peridontitis treatment
  • Graft applications



  • Root canal and inflamed tooth treatments

Tooth Cleaning

The first purpose of dental cleaning is to remove plaque, tartar and some diseased tissues. Therefore, it is a very useful treatment method, let alone harm.

If the gums have previously receded due to tartar, the roots of the teeth are naturally exposed when the tartar is cleaned. People may think that their roots are exposed when they have their tartar cleaned. In fact, they are the result of recession caused by poor oral care and dental calculus. It is not a result of the cleaning process. If gingival recessions cannot be fulfilled by operation, good oral hygiene is essential to prevent further recession of the gums.

Bruxism - Tooth Grinding - Tooth Tightening Treatment

Temporomandibular disorders (jaw joint disorders) are pain and dysfunction involving the temporomandibular joint and/or masticatory muscles. Intra-articular disorders are caused by the disruption of the harmony between the joint surface and the disc.

In jaw joint disorders, patients most often complain of:

  • – ‘clicking’ sound coming from the jaw joint,
  • – Pain in the ear, jaw joint, facial and neck muscles and temples,
  • – Difficulty during chewing,
  • – Difficulty opening the mouth,
  • – They present with complaints such as the jaw opening to one side.

In some cases, there is no pain for many years, only the clicking in the jaw joint continues, but the deformation progresses during this time.

Root Canal Treatment (Endodontics)

Inside the tooth, there are nerves (pulp tissue) that have an important role in the nutrition and protection of dental tissues. The pulp starts from the crown of the tooth and progresses to the root tip. The speciality that deals with the treatment of diseases arising from these tissues is called Endodontics.

After the inflammation of the pulp tissue, canal treatment and other treatments are applied to relieve very severe pain that starts spontaneously in the tooth, to treat the tooth and to ensure that it functions in the mouth for many years.

Laminated Veneer

In the first examination, the dentist will examine your jaw and facial records and photographs from the past, if any. Then, your upper and lower jaw model, your current tooth colour, your panoramic film will be taken and your detailed intraoral examination will be performed. Your personal wishes and the healthy solutions that your dentist will offer you by combining the naturalness function will clarify the treatment plan. In aesthetic dentistry, it is as important as the colour and form of the teeth that the gums and smile line provide an integrity with the facial structure. Even if extremely beautiful teeth are made in mouths with inflamed gums or gingival level differences, incompatibility is noticeable at first and this is interpreted as failure. Therefore, it should not be forgotten that a meticulous preparation and planning phase is necessary.


Laminated coating of teeth is one of the protective treatment methods among aesthetic dentistry applications. It is performed by treating only the front surface of the tooth without the need to cut or reduce the tooth. It is possible to easily see the final situation that will occur after the treatment in the tooth model prepared with the impression to be taken in the first examination. Laminated applications, which are also called leaf porcelain because they are very thin, give great results due to the fact that they transmit light directly and do not contain metal.


  • – Those with fractures in their front teeth,
  • – To remove level and colour differences between teeth,
  • – The upper surface of the teeth is worn,
  • – Those with large fillings or many old fillings with discoloured front teeth,
  • – The ones with gaps in their teeth,


  • – People with unhealthy teeth and gums
  • – If a large part of the tooth is lost
  • – People whose teeth have been previously cut
  • – People with teeth clenching or teeth grinding
  • – If protective night plasters are not used

Porcelain crowns without metal support can be preferred in single tooth deficiencies where laminated applications cannot be performed, in cases where there is a large amount of material loss. Thanks to the developing technology, the disadvantage of opaque reflection of the metal from the bottom in the front teeth is eliminated with full porcelain crown applications and better aesthetic results are obtained.

Gum Diseases (Periodontology)

It is our department that examines the health and disease conditions of the teeth and tissues around the teeth, aims to diagnose and treat the diseases occurring in these tissues and to protect the health obtained after treatment. Gum disease treatments can be classified as surgical and non-surgical treatments. Non-surgical treatments include scaling, which is the basic treatment, and root surface smoothing.

Within the scope of Gum Diseases and Treatment

Non-surgical treatments

  • Tartar cleaning
  • Root surface levelling

Surgical treatments

  • Gingivoplasty
  • Gingivectomy
  • Flap operations
  • Free gingival graft
  • Connective tissue graft
  • Directed tissue – bone regeneration

Implant Treatment

Patients who have lost their natural teeth due to various reasons such as trauma, gum disease and caries; The patient’s tooth deficiency is eliminated by placing titanium or ceramic-based artificial roots into the jawbone and making fixed or removable prostheses on them.

Implants are applied in single tooth deficiencies, in patients who have lost their back teeth on one or both sides, in order to support the few remaining natural teeth and in patients who have lost all their natural teeth.

The patient who is planned to be implanted is subjected to clinical and radiographic examinations. As a result of these examinations, the type, diameter and length of the implant to be applied; then the type of prosthesis is decided. In this direction, the duration of treatment may vary depending on different implant and prosthesis types. The treatment process varies between one day and six months.

After the operation, the implants should be expected to fuse with the bone for 3 months in the lower jaw and 6 months in the upper jaw. This period is called the healing period and a temporary prosthesis is made to prevent the patient from being toothless. After the healing period is completed, the prosthesis phase is started and the planned fixed or removable prosthesis is fitted to the patient.

Laser-assisted implant surgery is also performed in our centre. The accelerating effect of the laser on the healing mechanism in soft and hard tissues is utilised.

Prosthodontics (Prosthesis)

It is the field in which the loss of material in natural teeth, missing teeth and surrounding tissues are restored with artificial materials, ensuring the correction and continuation of oral functions, aesthetics and patient health. Prosthetic treatments are classified as removable and fixed prostheses.

Removable prostheses
  • Total denture: It is a type of prosthesis made in cases where all natural teeth are missing, also known as dentures.
  • Partial (partial) prosthesis: These are removable prostheses made in cases where some of the main teeth are present and some are extracted.
  • Overdentures: These are prostheses that are applied on a few natural teeth or roots in the mouth after some special preparations to be made by the dentist.
Fixed prostheses:

It is the process of replacing missing or excessively lost teeth by using materials similar to tooth tissue and colour. Before porcelain crowns are made, the existing tooth can be strengthened by taking support from the root canal of excessively damaged teeth with the treatment option called post-core. There are different material alternatives such as metal, metal-supported porcelain, full porcelain (reinforced porcelain, porcelain with zirconium substructure).

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