Respiratory Function Test

Respiratory Function Test

Pulmonary Function Test is performed with devices called spirometry. It serves to objectively measure the capacity and functional status of the lungs. With this test, the volume of air that the lungs can take in and the air flow rate created by the strong respiratory activity during the intake and delivery of this air into the lungs can be measured. These two indicators give important clues in the diagnosis of many diseases. With pulmonary function testing, the success of treatment and the course of the disease over the years can be monitored concretely.

Pulmonary function test, which has an extremely important place in the diagnosis of respiratory diseases, is also a necessary method for the follow-up of the treatment process of such diseases. To have information about the importance of respiratory system problems can only be understood by performing a pulmonary function test. These tests, which allow us to get information about all the problems occurring in the respiratory tract and lungs, are very important in terms of early diagnosis and treatment of diseases.


Pulmonary function test; In fact, it provides a numerical evaluation of how much the person breathes and how much of this breath he breathes out within a certain time area. These tests have an extremely important place in the diagnosis of many respiratory system diseases and in the follow-up of existing diseases. Thus, it is possible for specialist doctors to obtain information about the severity or control level of the disease by looking at the values. Any disease involving the respiratory system disrupts lung function and causes signs and symptoms. A pulmonary function test should be performed periodically to support the diagnosis in patients with complaints such as shortness of breath, sputum production and cough and these complaints become chronic.


Pulmonary function test, which has a very important place in the diagnosis of lung disorders, is requested by physicians when the first examination is performed with suspicion of asthma. The test should be repeated several times before starting the treatment of respiratory system diseases such as asthma or COPD or to monitor the response to treatment. When performing pulmonary function tests, there is a requirement for good communication and performance between the patient and the specialist. For this reason, it is only possible to perform the test after 5 to 6 years of age. For younger children, the condition of the airways is evaluated by applying different methods.


For the pulmonary function test application, the nose is first closed and a disposable mouthpiece of appropriate size is placed in the mouth of the person. Firstly, the person breathes normally and then takes a deep, strong breath. On command, he/she exhales quickly and strongly without waiting. In this way, it continues to exhale forcefully for at least 6 seconds. The best of the three consecutive tests is selected. The patient’s condition is then reported together with the results.

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