Check Up
Short definition of check-up early diagnosis unit; These are diagnostic units established for individuals to take early precautions against high-risk health problems at certain intervals. Having these tests done by the individual can prevent high-risk diseases that may occur in the future. Accordingly, the individual can take precautions against these diseases by early diagnosis.
Check-up; in other words, “General Health Check-up” is a health screening method that enables the person to anticipate existing diseases or some risks that may lead to disease in the future if it is performed at regular intervals even if there is no complaint. So think about the last time you had a “check-up”. If it is before 1 year, it is time to have it done. If you cannot remember when you had a check-up, you should contact a centre immediately!
Today, especially early diagnosis of cancer disease can be achieved if check-up tests are performed regularly. Accordingly, it is possible to diagnose health problems that are difficult to treat and quite fatal with check-up tests.
For this reason, it is recommended that individuals should have check-up tests at least once a year in order to be aware of these deadly diseases early and take precautions accordingly.
Even if most diseases started many years ago, they may not have been recognised for a long time because there were no warning symptoms. Even after the first symptoms have been recognised, the disease may have progressed to an advanced stage. Sometimes the condition is so serious that treatment is no longer possible. In many types of cancer, the first symptoms are easily missed and it is as if the disease had suddenly appeared. With high blood lipids, you can live for years without any symptoms and then suddenly have a heart attack or a stroke. Hepatitis infections can eventually lead to cirrhosis of the liver.
Blindness, kidney failure or damage to nerve tissue in diabetics do not appear out of the blue. In patients left uncontrolled, it is not uncommon for mild symptoms that have been present for years to be overlooked. The examples are endless. Many diseases can only be detected early in the process of damaging our tissues by regular check-ups.
The aim of modern medicine is to ensure that the person lives a healthy life by taking the necessary precautions before the disease occurs. It should be known that many diseases such as cardiovascular, liver, kidney, gastrointestinal, lung, breast, thyroid, hypertension, prostate, osteoporosis and even cancer can be treated more easily and effectively without permanent damage to body tissues when diagnosed early.
Complaints such as chronic fatigue, frequent urination, headache, insomnia, indigestion, palpitations, excessive sweating, weight loss, which we think are caused by intense working tempo, today’s difficult living conditions, stress in our work and private lives, are underestimated and often ignored. The necessity to consult a doctor is constantly postponed by saying that we have too much work and no time. If we do not want to pay for these mistakes we make later, we should make it a habit to have a regular CHECK-UP.
The individual does not necessarily have to be ill for the check-up early diagnosis tests to be performed. In order to learn the current health status of the person, these tests can be performed before the symptoms of the disease. Bad habits of some individuals can cause fatal diseases from time to time. However, it is unfortunately late in many cases to recognise these diseases.
For this reason, it is recommended that individuals have check-up early diagnosis tests at least once a year. With the tests in question, the risk situation is evaluated and accordingly, measures can be taken against various diseases.
In fact, when we look at the question of how to do check-up early diagnosis tests, we see that the tests in question are in the form of examining the individual’s body in all areas. Accordingly, the individual should undergo a general examination in health departments such as cardiology, gynaecology or urology, chest diseases, otorhinolaryngology, physical therapy and rehabilitation, general surgery and dental diseases. After the necessary tests and imaging methods are completed, the health status of the individual is evaluated according to the results. These are organised in a file. The results are compared during the tests performed one year later.
Be sure to bring your previous test results and any medication you are taking.
Write down even the slightest complaints, if any. It is natural to forget your past illnesses at the doctor’s appointment. For this reason, record what you will tell the doctor beforehand in both your mind and notebook!
Come to your appointment at the exact time and absolutely hungry. You must be hungry for at least 8 hours. You can only drink water. You must not have consumed alcohol or other harmful substances in the last 24 hours. If you are pregnant or suspect that you are pregnant, you should definitely inform your doctor. If possible, those who will have ultrasonography should come in the morning urinating.
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- Contact us to find out the opening hours of this department and to make an appointment.