ENT (ear, nose, and throat)
Ear, nose, throat and structures related to the head and neck (vocal cords, facial nerves, upper part of the oesophagus) and diseases. Surgery also includes the diagnosis and treatment of disorders in these structures and benign and malignant tumours.
Facial plastic and reconstructive surgery:
Ritidectomy (facelift)
Otoplasty (Prominent ear)
Nose aesthetic surgeries (Septoplasty, rhinoplasty)
Cancer of the larynx
Otology and neurotology
Ear infections
Cochlear implant
Head and neck oncology
Mouth cancer
Thyroid cancer
Salivary gland cancer
Causes of ENT Diseases
Ear diseases can be caused by reasons such as seasonal changes, as well as ear diseases such as exposure to excessive noise and infection. Ear pains are also seen in people with colds and flu.
Our ear is divided into 3 parts. Middle ear, inner ear and outer ear. One of the important tasks of the ear is to provide body balance. The inner ear is responsible for this balance. There are some ear diseases that negatively affect the lives of many patients. These diseases; tinnitus, external otitis, otitis media, vertigo, loss of balance such as Menier’s disease. It should not be forgotten that such disorders seen in our ears negatively affect our quality of life, as they cause severe distress to the person.
Diseases such as throat diseases, infections and colds are also closely related to seasonal changes and the most common complaint is sore throat. Colds are caused by viruses. It also has symptoms such as sneezing, nasal congestion and weakness. Although the flu virus is a strong and contagious virus that can cause an epidemic, the effect of the virus weakens in about a week. If the sore throat lasts longer than a week, if there is difficulty in swallowing, pain in the ear, recurrent sore throat, prolonged hoarseness, it is absolutely necessary to see an ENT Specialist.
Nasal diseases; Our nose is both a respiratory and smelling tool. If the nose cannot perform its function, heart and lung diseases may occur. In the nose; diseases such as nasal polyps, nasal wounds, concha hypertrophy that makes breathing difficult, and deviation (curvature of the thin bone separator that forms the midline of the nose to one side or 2 different sides) are seen. Ear, nose and throat diseases are serious diseases affecting the body, and it should not be ignored that they can cause serious health problems if not taken into consideration.
Main Causes of Nasal Congestion
Spongy tissues inside the nasal canals containing plenty of blood are called concha. By changing their volume, the turbinates both adjust the amount of air passing through the nose and heat and moisturise the air. Methods such as radiofrequency and diathermy are used to reduce enlarged turbinates. The other method applied to increase the intranasal air passage is the process of breaking the turbinates from their adhesion points. Surgical removal of treatment-resistant and overgrown turbinates is called Conkaplasty.
Adenoid Hypertrophy (Adenoid Hypertrophy):
Overgrowth of lymphoid tissues in the nasopharynx, where the nose opens into the throat, is the most common cause of nasal obstruction in childhood. These lymphoid tissues are actually responsible for defending the body. However, if they become overgrown, they can cause breathing problems during sleep, dental problems and disorders of craniofacial development. Such overgrown nasal tissue requires an operation (adenoidectomy). After removal of this tissue growing in the nasal cavity, complaints such as sore throat, pain in the ear and difficulty swallowing may occur. Adenoidectomy is performed alone or together with the removal of tonsils (tonsillectomy). Patients are fed liquid foods for the first two days and soft foods for the next few days. In addition to surgery, physical therapy methods such as short wave diathermy and radiofrequency can be applied as treatment.
Nasal Bone Curvature (Septal Deviation):
It is the curvature of the bone (nasal septum) that separates the inside of the nose into two cavities and may be congenital or as a result of subsequent injury. They can show different characteristics from mild curvature to more serious ones and even fractures that prevent passage. On the other hand, curvatures can cause aesthetic problems when they are at the level of the nasal ridge or nasal tip. Nasal deviation surgery is an attempt to correct the curvature of the septum and the patient is discharged 4-5 hours after the operation. If necessary, a nasal tampon is placed for one day. The operation provides lifelong permanent results.
What is Tonsillitis?
They catch bacteria and viruses that enter the throat and produce immune system cells and antibodies that help the body fight germs. Tonsils swell when they encounter germs.
It is very risky to keep the tonsils in the body, which have become unable to perform defence functions due to frequent inflammation and have even started to harm health. For this reason, if the tonsils on both sides of our throat swell frequently and expose the person to febrile diseases, it may be necessary to remove these problematic tissues. This surgery is called Tonsillectomy or Tonsillectomy surgery.
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