Sleep Study Laboratory

Sleep Study Laboratory

Sleep Test (Polysomnography)

A sleep test is performed to detect sleep disorders and problems. Generally, sleep disorders are accompanied by respiratory problems and snoring. Different problems such as sleep apnoea, movement disorders, sleep paralysis can be measured and diagnosed with sleep tests performed in sleep laboratories.

How is a Sleep Test Performed?

With electrodes placed on the body, heartbeats, snoring, respiration, oxygen in the blood, brain waves, body movements are measured during the night of sleep. For the measurement of normal order, sleep is ensured to be natural, sleep is not interfered with drugs or in any other way.

Diagnosis of Sleep Disorders

Patients with sleep disorders should undergo a “polysomnographic examination” in sleep laboratories. Thus, it is possible to obtain scientific data on the activities of brain regions during sleep, the structure of sleep and sleep disorders. During the examination in sleep centres, many parameters including brain waves, respiratory movements, oxygen level, heart rhythm, involuntary leg movements are recorded.

Sleep Analyses Performed in Our Laboratory

  • – All-night polymnography (PSG)- PSG and respiratory recordings
  • – PSG and leg EMG recordings
  • – PSG-guided CPAP titration
  • – Assessment of physiological sleepiness (MSLT)
  • – Assessment of manifest sleepiness (MWT)

Sleep Disorders

If night sleep, which is necessary for the organism to rest, is interrupted for various reasons, its structure is disrupted. Although the person stays in bed for a sufficient time during the night and even sleeps, starting the day tired disrupts the quality of life and causes damage and disease in many organs.

Insomnia (insomnia): Insomnia, which occurs for various reasons, is seen in all ages, sexes and races. When this condition becomes chronic, it is very difficult to treat.

Daytime Sleepiness: Patients who cannot get normal sleep or who have apnoea during night sleep may have uncontrollable daytime sleepiness. This may cause accidents, work inefficiency and social problems.

Snoring: It is seen in 50% of adults and is an important precursor of sleep-disordered breathing. The incidence of apnoea is quite high in overweight and middle-aged men with excessive snoring.

Sleep Apnoea: It is the cessation of breathing for 10 seconds or more during sleep and can cause the emergence of many diseases. When breathing becomes irregular, the oxygen level in the blood drops and carbon dioxide rises. In the meantime, a complete panic situation arises in the organism. With the activation of the sympathetic system, adrenaline discharge starts and blood pressure rises. “Sleep Apnoea”, which is accepted as one of the important disorders of our age and seen at all ages, is a vital disease that requires urgent treatment. If it cannot be treated in time, it leads to heart attack, stroke, impotence, irregular heartbeat and even death. It also causes excessive daytime sleepiness that can cause accidents, work inefficiency and social problems. The serious consequences of the disease are not widely known in the general public. The majority of people who suffer from this disease do not go to a doctor because they do not realise or do not care about the disease.

Online Test: Do I have a sleep disorder?

The following questions will determine whether you have a significant problem with sleep disorders.

  • – Do you snore loudly and intensely?
  • – Are you extremely sleepy and tired during the day?
  • – Do you have difficulty concentrating or forgetfulness?
  • – Do you fall asleep while driving, in meetings, reading or watching television?
  • – Do you suffer from headaches in the morning?
  • – Do you sleepwalk? Or do you have nightmares?
  • – Do you have problems falling and staying asleep?
  • – Do you urinate frequently at night?
  • – Do you experience sweating of the head, neck or chest at night?
  • – Have you recently experienced weight gain or high blood pressure?
  • – Have you been told that you stop breathing during sleep?
  • – Do you wake up gasping for breath or choking?

If you answer “YES” to some of the above questions, you may have a sleep disorder. You should consult a sleep laboratory and get an expert opinion about your complaints.

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