- October 10, 2024
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- Health Guide, Treatment Methods and Operations
Genital Aesthetic Operations
Genital cosmetic surgeries, which used to be rarely discussed, have recently become more preferred for comfort, aesthetics and self-confidence purposes or for medical reasons. This article aims to help you gain information about procedures such as labiaplasty, vaginoplasty, hudoplasty and perineoplasty (birthmark aesthetics) by examining their operation, purpose, risks and recovery processes.
A labiaplasty procedure aims to reduce the size of the labia minora (the inner tissues of the female genital organs) so that they are in line with the labia majora (outer part). This procedure involves the use of several different surgical techniques, depending on the patient’s specific condition.
There are many reasons why women have enlarged labia. These include childbirth, aging, sexual activity, and genetics. Many women who suffer from enlarged labia have difficulty with exercise, hygiene, urinary tract infections, sexual activity, and other physical activities. Enlarged labia can also make it difficult to wear tight clothing.
The female genital area is very sensitive and generally requires proper care. Therefore, when undergoing a procedure such as labiaplasty, there are certain post-operative instructions that you should be aware of before the procedure.
Labiaplasty can be performed using general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. It involves shortening or reshaping the vaginal lips. The unwanted tissue is cut away with a scalpel or laser. The loose edge is stitched with thin, dissolvable stitches.
Postoperative antibiotics prescribed by your surgeon should be taken to reduce pain and inflammation that may occur after the procedure. Cycling, running, and other physical activities should be avoided until you are discharged by your surgeon. Returning to activities too early can put pressure on the wound and unnecessarily delay the healing process. You should not wear tight clothing or underwear, as they can cause scarring. You should also avoid sexual intercourse for at least four weeks.
Vaginoplasty: Tightening and Rejuvenating the Vaginal Muscles
Vaginoplasty is a procedure performed to repair the vagina due to damage from medical conditions, injury, or other factors. There are many reasons why a person may decide to have vaginoplasty. Some of these reasons include:
Vaginal birth: Vaginal birth tightens and loosens your vaginal muscles.
Aging: Aging can also cause your vagina to lose its firmness. This can cause uncomfortable symptoms and affect sexual function.
Medical conditions: People who have been exposed to radiation for cancer treatment may need vaginal reconstruction.
Congenital conditions: Certain congenital abnormalities (conditions present at birth) can affect the appearance and function of your vagina. This can include being born without a vagina or not menstruating because of an underdeveloped vagina.
Is vaginoplasty the same as vaginal rejuvenation?
No. Vaginoplasty is a type of vaginal rejuvenation. Vaginal rejuvenation is any procedure done to improve the appearance or function of your vagina.
What is the pre-vaginoplasty process like?
If you have vaginoplasty, you will undergo evaluations and tests to prepare for the surgery. These steps may include:
- A physical exam to determine if you are healthy for the surgery and to learn more about your medical history
- Education about the risks, benefits, and postoperative care needs
- Tips to reduce your risk of complications, including quitting smoking
- Specific instructions from your healthcare provider to help you prepare for the procedure
What does vaginoplasty surgery offer?
The procedure will vary depending on the reason you are having vaginoplasty. When vaginoplasty is performed to improve laxity or repair an injury, the procedure involves:
- Removing excess or loose skin/tissue
- Fixing loose tissue in your vaginal canal
- Reducing the size of the opening of your vagina by retracting or removing excess tissue
- Removing excess tissue or abnormal structures that you were born with
- Preventing blood from pooling during menstruation.
The tissue that covers and surrounds the clitoris is called the clitoral hood or prepuce. Clitoral reduction is vaginal cosmetic surgery that removes excess skin covering your clitoris.
Excess skin, excess tissue, can also be uncomfortable when wearing swimsuits or tight clothing and while exercising. Additionally, women with an enlarged clitoral hood often worry about cosmetic appearance. This surgery can comfortably remove excess skin.
Perineoplasty (Birthmark Aesthetics)
Perineoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to repair the perineum and the external organs of your vagina (vulva). Your perineum is the space between your anus and vagina. Its purpose is to support your reproductive organs and pelvic floor muscles. Childbirth, weight loss, trauma, and other factors can damage this area and cause the skin around your vaginal opening to loosen and overstretch. In some cases, the muscle damage is so severe that it causes incontinence problems.
Perineoplasty aims to strengthen and tighten the perineum, narrow your vaginal opening, and repair loose, scarred, or damaged skin around your vagina. This procedure can restore function and comfort and improve the appearance of your perineal area.
Some reasons why women choose to have perineoplasty include:
- Loose, swollen, or open skin around their vagina
- Excessive scar tissue after an episiotomy or tearing during vaginal delivery
- Loss of sensation during intercourse
- Low self-esteem
- Low libido
- Vaginal irritation, discomfort, or pain
- Urinary or bowel incontinence
Does perineoplasty tighten the vagina?
Yes, perineoplasty helps tighten the opening to your vagina. However, it does not affect your vaginal canal or the inside of your vagina.
How is perineoplasty performed?
Perineoplasty is performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on your condition and the extent of the work. Your gynecologist makes an incision in your vaginal opening. Next, he or she will cut away any excess skin or scar tissue and repair the deeper layers of muscle around your vagina. Finally, the edges of the incision will be closed with stitches.
The procedure takes about an hour. After a brief recovery at a surgical center or outpatient facility, you can go home. A hospital stay is rarely necessary.
What should I expect after perineoplasty?
As with most procedures, your body needs time to heal after perineoplasty. You can expect some swelling and discomfort for the first few days. Most doctors recommend ice and pain relievers to help with this pain. Sitz baths and soaking your perineal area in warm water can also be soothing during the first weeks of your recovery.