

If the front-back length of the eye, corneal refraction or both are more than they should be, the images of objects are formed in front of the macula. Myopes; Although they can see close up well, they see distant objects blurry.


  1. Hereditary; If the mother or father has myopia, the probability of myopia in the child increases.
  2. Stress; Myopia can be seen in those who read, work intensively on the computer and do close work with visual stress.
  3. With Disease; Myopia may occur later in people with diabetes or cataracts.
  4. False Myopia – Pseudomyopia; It is the development of myopia in the eyes due to the ciliary muscles in the eye not being able to relax completely due to stress, fatigue and overload. It is a condition that can sometimes last 2-3 days and sometimes years. Therefore, dilating the pupils and temporarily paralyzing the ciliary muscles during eye examination is helpful and important in distinguishing true myopia.


In some high-numbered myopic patients, the problem is not just about the glasses numbers. Normal myopia is usually up to 7 degrees, stops around the age of 18-20, visual acuity is good and the retina is normal. Malignant Myopia progresses regardless of age, numbers can be as high as 10-30. In addition, due to pathological changes in the retina layer of these patients, thinning, damage to the optic nerve and macula, vision may remain at a low level.